Please feel free to contact me to discuss this site or to provide information I might consider. This site is dedicated to those who desire to have forward movment in their quest for a simple sustainable lifestyle.

Thanks for contacting me. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Dear Sir/Madam
This will greatly impact your page rank, the more increased directories your company is listed
in, globally or locally, the more back links you have and the better you rank in Bing – Yahoo –
Never has it been easier to promote your site
Just a few inputs and our program willl do the rest. No more worries about manual llink building – CAPTHCAs or email
We have automed everything that we possibly could to make submitting your domain a
See your online property on the first page.
We will register your website to numerous directories and give you a full
report on the status of each listing. Although we have automated the submission process to
a large extent, some of the submissions may require manual action which could cause a slight
Making your life better
It is with sad regret that after 12 years, is shutting down.
We have made all our databases available on our website.
25 Million companies
527 Million People